Handheld Analysis



HPLC Solvent Recycler

Powder Analysis

Tablet Analysis


Welcome to the Antech website
We are the premier handheld and process spectrometer provider within Ireland and United Kingdom to the pharmaceutical, biotechnology, food and safety & security industries.

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Introducing ReSolve – The HPLC Mobile Phase Recycler ♻️
💡 Did you know that 85-95% of mobile phase in isocratic HPLC methods is wasted? Traditional solvent management is costly, inefficient, and harmful to the environment. But now, there’s a smarter way!

The interactive Demo is available now!
Visit the Virtual Showroom and scan various materials with the Progeny 1064nm Raman analyser Yourself. You will be surprised how easy it is.

Tornado’s partnership with Sartorius
Our Spectroport® probe and Hyperflux® Pro Plus Analyser are both integrated into Satorius Biopat® Spectro and Ambr® system.

ATEX certified spectrometers for Process Monitoring
We are delighted to announce that both RAMAN and NIR Spectrometers for Process Monitoring are now available in ATEX compliance configurations!

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Location: IRELAND
Unit 21, Waterford Business Park,
Cork Road, Waterford
Ireland, X91 P224
Contact: UK
Tel: +44 (0)20 346 898 13
E-mail: info@antechsolutions.co.uk
Web: www.antechsolutions.co.uk